Saturday, December 17, 2005




Author: Cunha Simões

Translator: José Patrício

Setting-up und Impression
Excels, Lda.
Fax: 249 891 397
Apartado 138
2384-909 Alcanena

Legal Deposit no. 210549/04
ISBN no. 972-8832-20-6

Copyright: Fernando José Corte-Real Cunha Simões

The priest Francisco Rodrigues da Cruz
was born in Alcoentre on 29 July1859
and died in Lisbon on
the 1st October 1948.

Father Cruz, daily prayers


The father Cruz, more than serving the Church, he served the poor and their needs. Indifferent to the threats and the enormous confusion, poverty, banditism and death that one lived in the First Republic, between 1910 and 1928, father Cruz privileged the poor, but he didn’t neglected the rich. These ones served him to feed and protect the more deprived.
Yet in life, priest Cruz was considered a true saint, in other words, somebody that puts above his own interests his fellow creature's ones.
The prayers, which consist of this small book, are the fastest road to whisper him the concerns that afflict us and, if you can, but always without pass over our own effort, he will help.
It’s that we are going to try.


Your example, father Cruz,
Is the most beautiful love song
That the human being can feel.
Stripped of every goods,
You showed that, even without anything,
All is in us if we love the neighbour.
You received and you distributed
With such wide hands,
That all thought a miracle
What happened.
The miracle was you, father Cruz,
That knew how to love the neighbour.
Do that I follow your example.


Father Cruz
You never supported the iniquity of the others.
The others evil was your own evil.
You took their pains as yours
And you managed to do a revolution
On another revolution.

You won the blood revolution
With the revolution of the fraternity.
How I admire you, father Cruz!
Do that your example fructifies
And all revolutions be only of love alone.
Sow in the world that idea .
Take pity upon all of us.


Your miracles are mythical.
Everybody know them.
But you took them as natural facts.
As something that happens
To who loves very much his fellow creature,
To who is able to deliver everything.
Your miracles are the spring of energy
That binds us to the Superior Being.
Thank you, father Cruz,
For the amount you gave us.


Father Cruz,
You that knew how to change the pain
In the more beautiful woman human gift
When you offer your sacrifice,
Your daily effort, for the example,
Of solidarity and love,
Do that I be able to support
The family aggressions,
And also to be able to transmute them
In words and comfort expressions.
Help me, kind father Cruz.
Teach me and teach those who attack me,
With unworthy words and acts,
To transform the pain in love and pardon.


Help me dear father Cruz.
Everything worries me, everything disturbs me.
The anxiety asphyxiates me.
Please, kind father Cruz,
Does that I get to solve
All my concerns,
In order to get to rest.
This inquietude reduces me
The reasoning power,
And leaves me in permanent confusion.
Come down over me, father Cruz.
Do anything.
Please help me.


I live on my back to whom I live.
Do you understand this language, father Cruz?
My relationship with my mate
Is not the best, it lost interest,
And s even the words went getting lost.
I don't know what to do. Do I abandon everything,
And am I going in search of the lost happiness?
Do I leave the children? Do I take them with me?
What shall I do, my dear father Cruz?
Only you can help me. Only your light
Can illuminate me or change the situation.
If even the dialogue ended. What does remain to me?
Don't abandon me dear friend.


You taught, father Cruz,
To share the life.
You abandoned the family comfort
To teach the other people to live.
But it is so difficult the social intercourse.
They are so complicated the words,
That, one, badly used,
Give rise at once to disagreements.
And some people don't forgive,
Another don't get to give explanations
Of what they said.
Kind father Cruz, teach me to share
The language of the understanding and of the fraternity.


Invested of priest protector
You looked at the world that surrounded you
And you decided to put yourself beside
The weakest, father Cruz.
You wone very difficulty.
But your mission didn't end.
Your energy is claimed everyday.
It is what I do now, father Cruz.
Help me. I need you hear me.
(To say what you intend)
Only you can understand what I ask.
Thank you, father Cruz,
For your understanding and patience.


Father Cruz,
The spontaneity as you faced the life,
And whatever surrounded you,
Shows well the truthfulness
As you actuate and solved the problems.
Your inspiration seemed divine.
The way as you spoke convinced
The most obstinate and the most violent.
It was the true and the authenticity
Of your feelings
That all conquered.
Gift of God or of your own,
All is the same.
I want to be like you, father Cruz. Help me.


Father Cruz
You were the messenger of the hope,
The herald of the equality and fraternity
Among all human beings.
Your message was a pleasant breeze
On that time in that the hate swarmed
And you father Cruz in the middle of that Vulcan
With a simple look, the light prayer, you
Calmed the most exalted.
That example!
That courage!
You are, father Cruz, the largest message
That God sent to all of us.


Father Cruz, my dear friend,
Put in my head the understanding.
Just as you always taught and you said:
"The more it is known,
Better the people understand each other."
I understand your words,
But it is very difficult to react calmly
When the ignorance is stronger.
A lot of times I take amiss what is said to me.
But, if I think a little,
I see that I had not understood
What I was told.
Help me, father Cruz,
To cultivate my knowledge.


Father Cruz,
Your love for the children was known,
But you didn't get tired of warning:
“Spare the rod and spoil the child"
Wanting with that to mean:
The parents should educate their children
In a way they should know how to behave into life,
And to defend themselves from accidents.
A son has to be treated as a tree
That has to be pruned and straightened
For growing beautiful and to give fruit.
Help me to know how to teach, father Cruz.
Help me to increase the love
And the knowledge.


Running behind you as lost birds,
The children knew where to shelter
And they treated you as one of them
That knew to speak and advise them
Without rude reprimands.
You understood the irreverence
Of the little boys that surrounded you
And pulled the cloak without ceremony.
The infantile naturalness was a blessing
In a time of bows and intrigues.
Teach me the children's simplicity.
Teach me to speak with the children
Like you knew to do it.
Thank you, father Cruz.


Father Cruz,
Besides the exposed defender,
The donations sower
Through the deprived,
You were a notable educator.
You shaped the character of generations.
I appeal so that you come down over my children
To blow them the idea of the good, of the justice,
Of the honesty, of the work and of the cheerfulness.
Do that they be the model
That all the parents want.
Do they feel pride
For they are useful to the society.
Help them, father Cruz.


In whatever you do
You should have a lot of concentration,
Insisting the saint priest Cruz.
And in their classes he exemplified
How we should proceed.
I don't get to concentrate me yet
Just as you advised, and that does
That I never be able
Of doing a perfect work.
Help me, father Cruz.
Sink over me and compel me,
Concentrate me on what I’m doing.


Help me in the studies, father Cruz.
I wanted to have a career
And to be able of, with my capacities,
Helping the human being to win
All difficulties.
Help me to study. I want,
But there is any thing that avoids
That I concentrate in the matter.
Please, father Cruz,
Sink over me
Give me a little help
And I will be capable to study without sacrifice.


In all that you did, father Cruz,
You put the truth above all.
You didn't care with threats.
You were indifferent to the persecutions.
And even when prisoner,
You showed yourself strange to the situation.
You continued to proclaim the truth
With the vehemence of who believes,
That in the world the largest misfortune
Is the lie that deceives, that confuses
The less educated spirits.
With the truth you made history,
And you last long in our memory forever.
Help me to be like you, father Cruz

● ● ● ● ● ●

Telephone: 249 881 397
Fax: 249 891 128
Letter: Cunha Simões
Apartado 128



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